Why Pragmatica
Complex situations need new ways of thinking and cut through to a better way forward
We use complexity-informed framing to offer new perspectives to traditional methods. This helps us address your questions in ways that are innovative while allowing for real-world time and budget constraints.
Our values and approach set us apart. We can help you quickly clarify what’s happening, navigate what’s emerging, and gain a clearer understanding of the following possible steps.
Our values
Our core values - curiosity, creativity, and integrity - shape how we approach our work.
- Curiosity - we have a genuine interest and curiosity in discovering new perspectives and including marginalised voices
- Creativity - we create bespoke approaches for each assignment because one-size-fits-one. We seek useful answers to practical questions to inform wise actions
- Integrity - we form trust-based relationships with clients so we can grapple with the hard stuff with integrity.
Our approach to your work
We have a collaborative approach to working with our clients. We take pride in being:
- straightforward – our methods and models are easy to use and jargon lite
- flexible and adaptable – to accommodate real-world time and budget constraints
- robust, rapid insights – our proven way of working helps you navigate through puzzling situations, fast.
Fundamental to our work is that we:
- believe that all citizens in Aotearoa New Zealand deserve to have equitable access to public services
- are passionate about providing support to policy makers, programme managers and service providers to make a real difference
- know that getting change is hard and that we have more chance if we work effectively together to achieve this
- use complexity-informed tools that can help policy makers, programme managers and service providers develop a learning environment to choose wise actions.